Activating the Law of Attraction

There are forces that can enhance the things we want in life. The law of attraction suggests that we can activate or attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. An article in says, “all thoughts turn into things eventually. If you focus on negative doom and gloom, you will remain under that cloud. If you focus on positive thoughts and have goals that you aim to achieve, you will find a way to achieve them with massive action.”  

Imagine being able to:

  • Have what you want.
  • Exist harmoniously with the universe. 
  • Clear things that are holding you back. 
  • Feel more joyful

I believe these are all things you can experience when you understand the law of attraction. I offer that there keys to getting the law of attraction to move mountains and create miracles beyond belief. As you can imagine, the application of the law can be a hit or miss for many. Some have outstanding results, while others complain about never getting what they want. Perhaps knowledge of some essential keys can improve outcomes.

A principle of the Law of Attraction

Operating from the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring like experiences into a person’s life. I’ve come to embrace “like attracts like” as a guiding principle. The noted philosopher, Buddha says, “what you think, you become, what you feel, you attract, what you imagine, you create.”  So let’s break it down.

Like Attracts Like

You know the phrase “opposites attract,” well, when it comes to the law of attraction, “like attracts like.” For example, when you focus on lack, while you may say you desire abundance, you manage to continuously attract more lack. I remember a time during the economic downturn when I was getting out of an abusive marriage. Also, I was going through a divorce, had relocated to a new state, and was unable to find work – five of the top 10 life stressors. Needless to say, despite how I wanted to portray myself, the reality was I wreaked of desperation.

Consequently, that is also what I attracted – desperation, lack, neediness, loss, distress. It wasn’t until I went through an intensive 12-week coaching and counseling masterclass that I began to understand how and why I was attracting certain circumstances in my life. I later went on to get a certification and now, on occasion, coach and counsel others through my visionary coaching workshop in this principle.  

Keys to Activating the Law of Attraction

Henry Ford once said, “if you think you can, you can, if you think you can’t, you can’t.” The following keys can help you unlock the code and activate the law of attraction and attract the life you desire.

#1. Understand how you think, or your intentions, goals, affirmations, and actions fit together.

  • Intentions represent your “why,” and goals represent your “what.”
  • Affirmations represent repetition and practice in fulfilling your intentions.
  • Actions represent the steps toward achieving your goals.

#2. Cultivate a deep understanding of the inner workings of the law of attraction.

#3. Take action. Combining steps one and two, any activity – regardless of how small – will move you forward toward your goal and attracting what it is you desire.

Manifesting the Law of Attraction

Is it possible to manifest what you desire using the law of attraction? Perhaps you have been stuck and unsure how to move forward. I encourage you to put away what you thought you knew or understood about the law of attraction. Try these steps. Begin visualizing your goals, repeating affirmations, and taking inspired actions. Doing so can be immensely powerful and harmonious in bringing about incredible results in your life.

Have a law of attraction story or want to know more? We would love to hear from you. Please feel free to leave a comment below or click here to send a message.  

Remember, life happens for you. Live your purpose!



Lynn F Austin, MBA is an author and speaker.   Her messages reflect her courage and commitment against fear, doubt, and disbelief.  Dedicated to serving causes impacting domestic violence and at-risk youth, she strives to inspire others to live their purpose.

Share your story, we would love to hear from you. Please feel free to leave a comment below or click here to send a message.  

15 thoughts on “Activating the Law of Attraction

  1. Such powerful words … and I found them at such a needed time!! I’m
    Naturally a positive person but lately life has been exceptionally difficult. I’m determined to push away the unwanted and focus on what we want to attract. God has given you a gift to help others! ❤️

    1. You are welcome and thank you for your kind words. I pray that I am always able to suitably empower, provoke, and inspire with my writing.

      Have a blessed day!

  2. This is awesome! I truly believe in speaking things into existence and envision what you want. I have experienced this at a very early age and have many stories to this day. Thank you Lynn!??

  3. This is awesome! I truly believe in speaking things into existence and envision what you want. I have experienced this at a very early age and have many stories to this day. Thank you Lynn!??

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