BOM Green Chia Berry Smoothie

I purchased a juicer several years ago and would use it regularly. I’m not sure what happened, but gradually I used it less frequently. Admittedly, whenever I would “juice” I definitely feel the benefits. I had more energy, improved digestion, healthy hair, skin, and nails, a strengthened immune system, reduced cravings and an overall vitality for enjoying life. Given the way I felt, I’m somewhat surprised that I stopped. Changes in schedule, commitments – life in general sort of got in the way and I would only juice occasionally.

Early this month, I joined a group on social media participating in a daily “Smoothie Challenge.” I could feel the benefits almost immediately and began taking pictures and video to document each smoothie I would make. I have decided to write a juicing/smoothie recipe book in recognition of the way they make me feel and as a reminder to keep up the habit and continue to reap the benefits.  Click the following link to see step-by-step instructions for the Green Chia Berry Smoothie


All the best,

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