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The Newman Tales, Vol 4: Newman’s Green-Eyed Adventure

Newman was used to being the center of attention. His boundless energy and curious nature always made him the star of the show. But everything changed the day his neighbor Benji arrived. From the moment the playful, energetic Benji walked through the door, Newman felt a pang of something he hadn’t experienced before – jealousy. He watched as Benji played with his favorite squeaky toy and cuddled with Mom in his cozy corner of the sofa. Newman couldn’t help but worry, “What if Mom likes Benji more than me?”

Determined to keep Benji away from his cherished belongings, Newman barked and growled. He didn’t want to share his toys, his space, or his mom’s affection. Slowly, with patience, love, and plenty of tasty treats, Newman began to see that there was more than enough love to go around, and that sharing with Benji didn’t take anything away from him – it added joy to his life.

Through playful antics and heartfelt moments, Newman discovered that even when things seem really bad, beautiful things can still happen. This green-eyed adventure taught him the true value of friendship and the happiness that comes from opening his heart.

Lead Like a Human: 6 Traits Every Modern Leader Must Master

Discover why human-centered leadership is the future of effective leadership in an AI-driven world. Explore six essential traits—empathy, transparency, authenticity, adaptability, creativity, and collaboration—that distinguish leaders who thrive from those who fade into irrelevance. Backed by insights from Gallup, Forbes, and renowned scholars like Dwivedi et al. (2021), this article offers practical strategies, storytelling, and actionable takeaways to help you become a leader who inspires purpose, connection, and trust.

Why ‘Soft Skills’ Are Now ‘Power Skills’ — The Superpower for Success

What if I told you that the most important skills for career success aren’t technical at all? While AI and automation take over routine tasks, it’s human-centered skills like empathy, creativity, and emotional intelligence — now called power skills — that are driving career growth and leadership success. No longer “nice-to-haves,” these skills are the must-haves for anyone looking to thrive in a world where adaptability, innovation, and connection are key. Learn how to develop the power skills that set you apart, fuel innovation, and make you an unstoppable force in your career.

Beyond the Badge: How Milestones Move Us Toward Purposeful Growth

When it comes to growth, too many people wait for the ‘perfect moment’ — but that moment doesn’t exist. Progress doesn’t require perfection, it requires movement. In this post, I’m sharing the story behind my latest milestone: earning the 2024 Teaching Professor Conference on AI in Education digital badge. But this is about more than a badge — it’s about embracing challenges, betting on yourself, and taking bold steps toward growth. I’m also offering insight on how you can navigate your next milestone, especially if it involves understanding and applying AI in education. Let’s grow together

The AI Revolution in Education: Leading Innovation with Purpose

This article explores the profound impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the future of education, emphasizing the shift from traditional teaching methods to more personalized, student-centered approaches. Drawing from insights at The Teaching Professor Conference, the piece highlights how AI is reshaping the educator’s role—from content deliverer to experience designer—and how intentional integration of AI tools can foster creativity, engagement, and mentorship in the classroom. It also delves into the ethical considerations of AI usage in education, stressing the importance of AI literacy, inclusive learning environments, and critical thinking. The article provides practical action steps for educators to leverage AI effectively while maintaining a focus on innovation with purpose. Ultimately, it challenges educators to not only adapt to emerging technologies but to lead them purposefully to revolutionize learning experiences and empower future generations.

Leading with Heart: Lessons in Leadership and Encouragement from Dr. Barry Posner

What makes a leader unforgettable? It’s not their results or strategy—it’s their heart. In this reflection on a powerful virtual panel with Dr. Barry Posner, learn how The Leadership Challenge’s Practice 5: Encourage the Heart transforms individuals and communities through empathy, accountability, and recognition. Discover personal stories, actionable takeaways, and the ripples of change that leadership with heart creates.

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