Serve, Service, Serving

What does serve, service and serving mean to you? Over the years, when I’ve had days where I felt sad or down, people have told me to give what I feel I’m lacking, i.e., give love, support, charity, etc. 

I also understand that as a Christian, it is my place and responsibility to serve others anyway.  If I’m completely honest with myself, as much as I want to always serve and be a good Christian, some days I simply find it difficult to do.

I ran across this quote and it struck something in me so I wanted to share.

The Advantage “The next time you want to withhold your help, or your love, or your support for another for whatever the reason, ask yourself two simple question(s): 1) Do the reasons you want to withhold it reflect more on them or on you?  and 2) which “reasons” do you want defining your forevermore?”

I will continue to do what I can to best serve and be of service to others.


Lynn F Austin, MBA, iis an author, educator and entrepreneur dedicated to helping others achieve their highest potential. With a strong foundation in faith, Lynn combines her expertise in business with her passion for growth and development. Her extensive experience in leadership, education, and innovative strategies makes her a skilled and versatile speaker, consultant, and executive coach.
Her messages reflect her courage and commitment against fear, doubt, and disbelief.  Dedicated to serving causes impacting domestic violence and at-risk youth, she strives to inspire others to live their purpose. Please leave a comment below or click here for more info.

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