The piece discusses the importance of resilience and provides three key factors for developing it: perspective, pivot, and purpose. It shares that resilience is achieved through having the right perspective, pivotability in finding solutions, and a clear sense of purpose. The author emphasizes a significance, resilience and inspiration that can come from biblical teachings used to navigate life’s challenges. The overall message is to never give up or quit.
Category: Inspiration Moments
“Discover the power of aligning your thoughts and energy with your faith. Learn how the Law of Attraction, combined with biblical principles, can transform your life. Read my latest blog post to explore this transformative approach. #BettingOnMe #Inspiration #Faith”
The how, what, and when of a message is critical to its delivery, understanding, and intent. I recall hearing as a child, “sticks and stone may break your bones, but words will never hurt you.” While completely untrue, I think adults may have said that to teach young people how to cope with the hurt words can cause.
I love history and understand that generally speaking, history is “his-story” and written by those in charge, or as recently noted, “history is written by the winners.”
While likely true, it doesn’t mean that things that happened didn’t happen; it just means the accounts may not be written or included whenever the story is told or retold. Possibly in an attempt to erase history, not have it not believed or otherwise have it unknown to generations that follow.
Blessings and favor stem from an existing relationship with God.
As we mature, we come to understand and become accountable for higher levels of responsibility. As toddlers, we have limited responsibilities but tend to learn quickly that being responsible has its rewards. In 1 Corinthians 13:11, Paul shares “When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.”
What does serve, service and serving mean to you? Over the years, when I’ve had days where I felt sad or down, people have told me to give what I feel I’m lacking, i.e., give love, support, charity, etc.